
Unlocking The Secrets To Making Your Dental Crowns Last A Lifetime

Are you looking for ways to make dental crowns last a lifetime? Dental crowns are integral to dental care, and many struggle to ensure they last as long as possible. The good news is that by following some simple steps, you can significantly extend the life of your dental crowns. This blog will explore how to unlock the secrets to making dental crowns last a lifetime.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene for Dental Crowns

Your dental health should be your primary focus when it comes to dental crowns. Regular dental cleanings and checkups are essential to ensure dental crowns stay intact and away from bacteria that may damage them. Additionally, brushing and flossing twice daily is necessary for maintaining good oral health. It reduces the plaque buildup on dental crowns, which could otherwise cause decay or discoloration.

Keep Up with Professional Cleanings

Getting your dental crowns professionally cleaned by your dentist at least once every six months is recommended. The dental hygienist will use professional dental tools to remove stubborn plaque, tartar, and bacteria from around the dental crowns that cannot be removed with brushing and flossing.

Brush Properly

When brushing dental crowns, it is vital to use a soft-bristled brush in a gentle circular motion. It removes food particles and helps reduce the amount of plaque buildup on dental crowns, which could otherwise cause decay or discoloration. Additionally, using an antibacterial mouthwash after brushing can help kill harmful bacteria in the mouth, which may damage dental crowns over time.

Floss Carefully

Flossing daily helps remove food particles and plaque which may have been missed during brushing. It is crucial to floss dental crowns carefully and avoids putting too much pressure on them, as this could cause them to crack or chip. Dental picks or inter-dental brushes can also help clean dental crowns more effectively.

Avoid Hard Foods and Habits

Avoiding hard foods and habits such as chewing ice, grinding teeth, or biting your nails is essential in preserving dental crowns for a long time. These habits put unnecessary strain on dental crowns and could cause them to crack or break. It is also essential to avoid sticky foods like candy and caramels, which can pull dental crowns off the tooth if they get stuck in the dental crown.

Avoid Hard Foods

Hard foods such as nuts, candy, and ice can cause dental crowns to crack or chip due to the intense pressure applied when chewing them. Therefore, avoiding these types of food is essential to preserve dental crowns for a long time.

Avoid Grinding Teeth

Grinding teeth while sleeping or during stressful times can inadvertently cause dental crowns to crack or break due to the immense force being applied to them. If you suffer from grinding teeth, wearing a night guard should help protect your dental crowns from damage. Additionally, speaking with your dentist about how to prevent tooth grinding is recommended.

Avoid Biting Your Nails

Biting your nails can put a lot of stress on dental crowns and can cause them to crack or chip. Therefore, keeping your hands away from your mouth is essential to avoid inadvertently biting down on dental crowns. In some cases, speaking with a therapist about how to stop nail-biting behaviors may be necessary.

The Final Thought

Dental crowns are usually used to protect weakened teeth from further damage and strengthen them for the long term. While dental crowns can typically last between 5-15 years if maintained properly, it is still essential to take extra precautions to ensure they last longer. Following proper oral hygiene steps such as brushing and flossing twice daily, attending dental cleanings regularly, and avoiding hard foods and bad habits will help keep dental crowns in good condition for a lifetime.

1. How often should I get dental crowns professionally cleaned?

It is recommended to get dental crowns professionally cleaned at least once every six months by your dentist or dental hygienist.

2. What type of toothbrush should I use when brushing dental crowns?

It is essential to use a soft-bristled brush with gentle circular strokes when brushing dental crowns to avoid damaging them.

3. Will grinding my teeth cause damage to dental crowns?

Grinding your teeth can cause dental crowns to crack or chip due to the immense force applied. Wearing a night guard while sleeping can help protect dental crowns from damage due to tooth grinding.

4. Can dental crowns break?

Yes, dental crowns can break due to external forces such as hard foods and habits like biting your nails or grinding teeth. It is important to take extra precautions to keep dental crowns in good condition for a lifetime.